How Many Court Cases Are Filed Each Year? (2024)

Explore the annual trends in the number of court cases filed in the United States from 2012 to 2022, including shifts due to economic changes and pandemic.

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Number of Court Cases Filed in U.S., 2012 to 2022

*Includes state and federal court cases.
Source: National Center for State Courts

Overview of How Many Court Cases are Filed Each Year in the United States

Starting in 2012, the United States recorded an incredibly high number of court cases, totaling approximately 97,608,000 cases across state and federal courts. Over the next few years, there was a gradual decline in total cases. By 2013, this number slightly decreased to 95,887,000 and continued to drop each year, reaching 84,643,000 by 2017.

Peak Years and Subsequent Declines

The high number of court cases in 2012 can be linked to several factors. After the recession, there's often an increase in lawsuits due to contract issues, bankruptcies, and other money-related disputes. As the economy got better, the number of cases started to drop. This decrease not only shows economic improvement but also possible changes in state laws and court processes that might have made resolving disputes faster or discouraged unnecessary lawsuits.

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Significant Changes in 2020 and Beyond

A dramatic shift occurred in 2020, where the total cases dropped to 61,510,000, largely due to the global COVID-19 pandemic disrupting court operations nationwide. Many courts were forced to delay cases or switch to virtual proceedings. By 2021, there was a recovery to 64,322,000 cases, and in 2022, the number rose to 65,543,000, indicating a gradual adaptation to new norms. Examples of such norms can be remote hearings and other procedural changes brought on by the pandemic.

State vs. Federal Case Dynamics

Number of Filed State and Federal Court Cases, 2014-2022

Most of the cases in the United States are filed in state courts, consistently accounting for over 98% of the total caseload. For example, in 2022, state courts handled 64,778,000 cases compared to 765,000 in federal courts. This distribution underscores the role of state courts as the primary venue for civil litigation, criminal cases, and other legal disputes. Whereas federal courts typically deal with matters that involve federal laws or parties from different states.


The changes in how many court cases are filed each year in the United States show how sensitive the judicial system is to outside factors. These factors include economic changes and major health crises. As the country deals with the effects of the pandemic and other societal shifts, it's important to keep track of how these factors influence legal trends. Whether you're a legal professional or just someone interested in the legal system, understanding these trends can provide important insights into the future of U.S. law.

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