Texting And Driving Statistics (2024)

Explore the significant trends in cell phone use while driving and its risks, including the latest statistics and safety measures, up to 2022.

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Percentages of Drivers Using Cell Phone While Driving in U.S., 2013-2022


Drivers Cell Phone Use While Driving Trends

From 2013 to 2022, the percentage of drivers in the U.S. using cell phones while driving showed a general decline, from 4.6% in 2013 to 2.1% in 2022. Despite a slight increase in 2018, the overall trend indicates a reduction in distracted driving behavior. This suggests increased awareness and possibly the impact of stricter laws and safety campaigns aimed at reducing cell phone use behind the wheel.

Understanding the Risks

Far from a mere distraction, texting while driving is a severe threat to road safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than drunk driving. This behavior splits a driver's focus, leading to delayed reactions and poor judgment, often with catastrophic outcomes, including injuries and fatalities.

Alarming Statistics

One of the most pressing questions surrounding texting and driving is - How many people die from texting and driving? The statistics are alarming, painting a grim picture of the consequences of this reckless behavior. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that distracted driving, including texting, leads to approximately nine deaths and over 1,000 injuries every day in the United States alone. The NHTSA further reveals that in 2018, distracted driving was responsible for a staggering 2,841 fatalities. These numbers serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action to address this growing problem.

  • Overall Trend: The data shows a fluctuating but generally stable trend in the number of deaths over the years, with occasional spikes. For instance, there was a noticeable increase in 2015 and again in 2021.
  • Regression Analysis: The linear regression model suggests a very slight downward trend moving into 2022 and 2023. However, the slope of the regression line is quite shallow, indicating that the decrease is not substantial.
  • Interpretation: The predicted decrease might suggest a gradual impact of increased awareness, stricter law enforcement, and technological advancements aimed at reducing texting and driving. Yet, the minor decline also implies that this remains a significant issue needing continued attention.
  • Limitations: It's important to note that linear regression provides a simplified view and may not account for all factors influencing these trends, such as changes in laws, social campaigns, or technological innovations in vehicle safety.

Legal and Financial Repercussions

Addressing the serious nature of texting while driving, various states and countries have implemented stringent laws. These laws serve as a deterrent by imposing penalties, which can range from fines to license suspension. One common question that arises is, How much is a texting and driving ticket? The cost of such a ticket can vary from $50 to $1,000 and more, based on the jurisdiction but generally involves substantial fines, often accompanied by increased car insurance premiums. This financial burden, coupled with legal consequences, underscores the seriousness with which authorities treat texting and driving.

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Preventative Measures

Individual commitment is crucial in combating texting and driving. Simple steps like using "Do Not Disturb" modes or keeping the phone out of reach while driving can drastically reduce the temptation. While hands-free options like Bluetooth can minimize distractions, they should be used sparingly, as they still divert attention from driving.

Technological Solutions

Innovations in technology offer promising solutions. Apps that limit phone functionality when a vehicle is moving and vehicles equipped with voice-activated controls are practical tools in reducing distracted driving incidents.

Education and Awareness

Education plays a pivotal role in addressing texting and driving. Awareness campaigns, school programs, and community initiatives are crucial in highlighting the dangers of distracted driving and promoting safe driving habits.

Changing Cultural Norms

Transforming societal attitudes towards multitasking while driving is essential. Open discussions about the risks and promoting responsible driving can shift cultural norms. Insurance companies also contribute by offering discounts and incentives for safe driving, monitored through apps that track phone use and driving behavior.


The statistics on how many people die from texting and driving serve as a sobering reminder of the dangers associated with this practice. By understanding these risks, adhering to laws, leveraging technology, and fostering education and awareness, we can collectively work towards reducing accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Our shared responsibility is to create safer roads and ensure a future where texting and driving is a relic of the past.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes, summarizing cell phone use while driving trends and the associated risks, based on data and reports up to 2022. It's not legal advice or a comprehensive review. For updated statistics and guidelines, consult official sources.

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