What Is the Average Payout for a Roundup Lawsuit in 2025?

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Jocelyn Mackie


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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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What is the average payout for Roundup lawsuit? Quick Answer

  • The average payout for a Roundup lawsuit is estimated at around $160,000 per plaintiff. However, settlement amounts typically range from $5,000 to $250,000 per person, depending on the severity of the claimant’s injuries and other factors."


  • Roundup lawsuits remain active with no new settlements as of June 2024.
  • You can still file a claim and receive funds from the global settlement.
  • Plaintiffs receive more funds but risk more with individual lawsuits.

Roundup, a common herbicide used by the general public and commercial growers, has been under scrutiny for many decades for harm caused to the environment and users’ health. Developed by Monsanto and acquired by Bayer in 2018, Roundup has been linked to severe illnesses, including several types of cancer and neurological disorders.

In the last several years, the public has made many efforts to draw attention to the regulation of Roundup. Victims have also sought compensation for the medical conditions they suffered as a result of its use.

While the latest individual settlement data comes from October 2024, settlements are expected to continue to proceed in 2025.

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Has Anyone Received Money From the Roundup Lawsuit?

Yes. As of September 2024, nearly 100,000 individuals received compensation from Roundup lawsuit settlements. The Roundup settlement checks issued so far have totaled billions of dollars. These amounts arose from jury verdicts, negotiated agreements, and court-mediated resolutions. Monsanto estimates it has 54,000 active claims remaining.

The most recent individual settlements and verdicts for Roundup injuries include:

  • October 2024: A plaintiff is awarded $78 million
  • March 2024: Bayer/Monsanto pays about $11 billion to settle with 100,000 plaintiffs
  • February 2024: Bayer/Monsanto is ordered to pay another plaintiff $2.25 billion
  • January 2024: $400 million to a plaintiff claiming non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma from Roundup (reduced from $2.25 jury verdict)
  • December 2023: $3.5 million to plaintiff for cancer claim
  • November 2023: $1.56 billion to four plaintiffs claiming injuries and cancer from Roundup exposure
  • November 2023: $332 to plaintiff from Carlsbad, California
  • October 2023: Jury awards $175 million to retired restaurant owner exposed to Roundup
  • October 2023: Jury awards $1.25 million to plaintiff, ending a nine-trial winning streak for Bayer

Many of these awards include punitive damages, which are extra damages the court may order defendants to pay if their conduct was egregiously bad.

What Is the Average Payout for a Roundup Lawsuit?

Calculating the Roundup lawsuit settlement amounts per person is complicated due to a few factors. First, if you join a class action lawsuit, the individuals in the class will not divide the class settlement equally. For example, if you have a class of 100 people that wins $100 million, that does not guarantee each person will receive $1 million.

Instead, those funds will be divided according to each person’s losses. The family of someone who died might receive more than someone whose cancer responded to chemotherapy.

Second, many who received a Bayer Roundup settlement must agree to keep the terms confidential. Companies involved in this mass tort do this to prevent lawyers from knowing the potential amount of Roundup settlement checks. Bayer likely hopes the uncertainty will cause injured victims and lawyers to hesitate in filing a claim.

Third, Bayer deliberately followed a strategy of fighting only its most robust cases. This strategy resulted in wins for Bayer in nine out of 18 trials. If you average the amounts paid, you end up with many zeros when you account for the risk of losing.

After researching statements from several law firms, including King Law Firm, Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers, and Ankin Law Firm, it has been consistently noted that Roundup lawsuit settlements typically range from $5,000 to $250,000 per claimant. Legal experts estimate the average payout for each plaintiff to be around $160,000.

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Key Factors Influencing Your Settlement Amount

These factors tend to increase your chances of a higher payout:

  • Exposure to Roundup in high amounts
  • Long-term Roundup exposure
  • Having lost a loved one due to Roundup exposure
  • A terminal cancer diagnosis
  • Having very expensive medical bills

Keep in mind that in personal injury law, attorneys are usually paid a contingency fee. Your legal fees will likely be taken out of your settlement.

Roundup Lawsuit Settlement Amounts per Person

What is the average payout for Roundup lawsuit plaintiffs? The caveats above make this impossible to answer. However, you can look at the “global” settlement and several individual damage awards to understand the possible outcomes of your Roundup case.

The Roundup lawsuit settlement amounts cover a wide range. Some individuals (including the very first individual to sue Monsanto) were awarded settlements in the millions, while others received a few thousand dollars for their illnesses. To date, over 100,000 Roundup cases have been resolved, and over 4,000 pending in MDL.

The first case alleging Roundup-related injuries happened in California. A school groundskeeper who came into regular contact with Roundup developed terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In 2018, a jury awarded him $39 million in compensatory damages and $250 million in punitive damages for a total award of $289 million.

This loss by Monsanto (purchased by Bayer that same year) foreshadowed two more losses in California courts. Alva and Alberta Pilliod alleged that they both developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma due to regularly applying Roundup on three properties they owned. In 2019, a jury awarded them over $2 billion, although the judge in the case reduced the damage award to $87 million.

In a separate California case that year, a jury awarded a property owner over $80 million, although the trial court reduced the award to $20 million to avoid Constitutional issues. The victim developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Roundup on his property for over 20 years.

After those verdicts, Roundup plaintiffs hit a dry spell for about four years. To avoid these eye-popping headlines, Bayer only went to trial in cases it thought it could win. The result was eight consecutive wins between 2021 and 2023. Many of these cases involved questionable links between the victims’ illnesses and Roundup.

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The Points System Explained: How Roundup Settlements Are Calculated

To simplify the distribution of verdicts and settlements, attorneys and administrators have developed a point system. A neutral third party assesses each plaintiff’s situation and assigns points. Severe circumstances (like high financial losses or a terminal cancer diagnosis) result in more points.

Plaintiffs are then divided into tiers based on point values. Higher-tier plaintiffs (those with the most points) receive more compensation. It can be difficult to estimate your settlement, but a product liability attorney should be able to give you an idea of the compensation you may be able to recover.

Global Class Action Settlement

Bayer’s winning streak was somewhat deceptive. While Bayer was winning these cases, it simultaneously offered a “global settlement” to end 100,000 claims in a class action lawsuit against it. The $10.9 billion Roundup class action settlement included $9.6 billion to resolve the pending cases and $1.25 billion to deal with future cases.

The settlement averaged $96,000 per plaintiff in the pending cases. However, Bayer set up a complex point system to allocate these funds based on several factors, including:

  • Victim’s age
  • Cancer type
  • Treatment outcome
  • Earning capacity
  • Victims in the lower tier might only receive a few thousand dollars, while those in the higher tier might receive a few hundred thousand dollars.

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How Much Will I Get From My Roundup Settlement?

The amount of your settlement depends on the losses you suffered. It also depends on the route you take to get there.

If you take the class action settlement, your settlement depends on a table of factors that places you into a settlement tier. The top tier receives a few hundred thousand dollars.

If you file a lawsuit, you can recover much more, possibly tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. But you could also lose your lawsuit and recover nothing.

When Will I Get My Roundup Settlement Check?

You can apply for your class settlement now. However, Bayer will issue checks once all claims are settled. You may have to wait two to three years to receive your check.

If you file an individual lawsuit seeking more, you could face years of litigation before your case settles. Once that occurs, Bayer will likely require you to sign a nondisclosure and settlement agreement. It may take time to negotiate those terms and arrange for signatures. You will receive a check once that occurs.

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Understanding the Roundup Settlement Timeline

The complexity of your case, the number of cases in line before yours and whether your case settles or goes to trial all determine your case timeline. An attorney can give you a better idea of how long your case is likely to take.

Do You Need to Pay Taxes on Roundup Settlements?

Usually, Roundup settlements aren’t taxable. However, any compensation for lost wages or other earned income might be subject to income tax.

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Roundup Lawsuit Eligibility & Requirements

Anyone who developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or other types of cancer after exposure to Roundup is eligible to file a Roundup lawsuit. These individuals include those who used Roundup in their professional or personal capacity:

  • Farmworkers
  • Farmers
  • Landscapers
  • Groundskeepers
  • Gardeners
  • Garden center workers
  • Homeowners

Moreover, the family members of victims, particularly those who have lost a loved one due to diseases associated with Roundup exposure, can file a lawsuit on behalf of the deceased.

Health Risks Linked to Glyphosate Exposure

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, and exposure to it can increase your risk of many serious health conditions, including:

  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)
  • Other cancers
  • Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders
  • Kidney damage
  • Birth defects and additional developmental issues

People who were exposed to glyphosate for many years (like agricultural workers) are more likely to suffer serious health problems.

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Evidence Needed for a Successful Roundup Lawsuit

The more solid evidence you have, the more likely you are to win a respectable verdict or settlement. Here are some examples of evidence that can support your case:

  • Expert testimony connecting Roundup to your illness or injury
  • Records of all medical care and expenses
  • Proof of lost income
  • Proof that you are (or were) someone who routinely works with Roundup

Each situation is unique, and your lawyer should be able to help you compile the evidence you need.

Get a Free Roundup Case Review Today

ConsumerShield provides transparent and concrete assistance to people who have suffered cancer due to Roundup. We help you understand where you stand and connect you to a lawyer if you pursue a legal claim. Fill out our contact form for a free case evaluation and to learn how we can help you.

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